Хөгжмийн хэмнэлийг гараар тоолох нь чирэгдэл юм. Энэхүү BPM товших тоолуур нь iTunes, Spotify, Pandora гэх мэт программ дахь mp3 файлын id3 шошгоны хэмнэлийг хэмжихийг хүсдэг хөгжимчин, бүжигчдэд ялангуяа хэрэгтэй.

BPM хэмжигч нь **Зүрхний цохилтын минутанд**, **зүрхний цохилт** эсвэл **Амаррах импульс**-ийг хурдан тооцоолоход эрүүл мэндийн нөхцөлд үр дүнтэй байдаг. Энэ апп нь зүрхний цохилтыг цохих үед зүрхний цохилтыг хэмжих эгч сайттай.

BPM Guessing Game тоглоомыг тоглож, эдгээр гайхалтай дуунуудаар хөгжмийн BPM-ийг таних чадвараа туршиж, сайжруулаарай!

Үнэгүй онлайн Tap BPM хэрэгсэл нь хэмнэл эсвэл цохилтын дурын товчлуур дээр дарж хэмнэлийг тооцоолох, Минут дахь цохилт (BPM) тоолох боломжийг олгоно. Бүтэн минут хүлээхгүйгээр BPM-ийг хурдан тооцоолохын тулд хэдэн секундын турш товшино уу. Та үүнийг сонголтоор Цохилтын секунд (BPS) эсвэл Цагт цохилт (BPH) гэж тохируулж болно. Энэ нь Минут дахь эргэлт (RPM) болон RPS-д адилхан сайн ажилладаг.

Та юу гэж бодож байгаагаа хуваалцаарай!

Хүмүүс яагаад минутанд цохилтыг тоолж байна вэ?

I wanna see how fast i can tap my touchpad lol I wanna see how fast i can tap my touchpad lol
Brooklyn, United States
2 days ago
I make gameplay montages synced with video game music and i use this to plan tracks to mix for my videos I make gameplay montages synced with video game music and i use this to plan tracks to mix for my videos
Katowice, Poland
3 days ago
Testing if spotify bpm data is accurate out of hobby Testing if spotify bpm data is accurate out of hobby
Budapest, Hungary
3 days ago
I am a choreography lead for a fire performing group I am a choreography lead for a fire performing group
Denver, United States
4 days ago
Im a lighting designer / light jokey and use this to find the bpm for a timecoded show. great tool btw., very accurate!!! Im a lighting designer / light jokey and use this to find the bpm for a timecoded show. great tool btw., very accurate!!!
Paderborn, Germany
4 days ago
Counting my heartrate to keep track of anxiety and calm myself down Counting my heartrate to keep track of anxiety and calm myself down
Stockholm, Sweden
4 days ago
I like to make my own music, so to translate a song in my head to my computer, i use this to help find the bpm I like to make my own music, so to translate a song in my head to my computer, i use this to help find the bpm
Melbourne, Australia
5 days ago
My heart rate after game called pump it up My heart rate after game called pump it up
6 days ago
I use arccreate in order to make chart files for rhythm games, and i count the bpm in order to make an accurate chart! I use arccreate in order to make chart files for rhythm games, and i count the bpm in order to make an accurate chart!
Dallas, United States
6 days ago
Ich vergleiche für wissenschaftliche zwecke live- und studio-aufnahmen miteinander Ich vergleiche für wissenschaftliche zwecke live- und studio-aufnahmen miteinander
Münster, Germany
6 days ago
Olen uusi käyttäjä ja tutustumassa palveluun ensivaikutelma on varsin hyvä. voisin suositella muillekin aloittelijoille kokeilemaan tapbpm palvelua Olen uusi käyttäjä ja tutustumassa palveluun ensivaikutelma on varsin hyvä. voisin suositella muillekin aloittelijoille kokeilemaan tapbpm palvelua
Tampere, Finland
7 days ago
I’m scared my heart is beating too fast so i’m tapping in time to check it lol I’m scared my heart is beating too fast so i’m tapping in time to check it lol
Ambler, United States
7 days ago
Bajista-ska Bajista-ska
Rubí, Spain
7 days ago
I had an anxiety attack and i wanted to see how fast my heart was beating after the fact I had an anxiety attack and i wanted to see how fast my heart was beating after the fact
Thames Ditton, United Kingdom
7 days ago
I have been anxious lately and chatgpt told me to check my heartbeat regularly so i can see if it's better I have been anxious lately and chatgpt told me to check my heartbeat regularly so i can see if it's better
Tijuana, Mexico
7 days ago
Та юу гэж бодож байгаагаа хуваалцаарай!

Хүмүүс яагаад минутанд цохилтыг тоолж байна вэ?

Ukf drumm and bass 2024 mix 😁 Ukf drumm and bass 2024 mix 😁
7 days ago
Close to the edge - yes Close to the edge - yes
Le Mans, France
8 days ago
None of my loops are an even 2 or 4 bars. i literally have no idea what the bpm is until i use this. None of my loops are an even 2 or 4 bars. i literally have no idea what the bpm is until i use this.
Lincoln, United States
8 days ago
Find out bpm of music Find out bpm of music
Munich, Germany
9 days ago
Infinite bpm Infinite bpm
Perth, Australia
9 days ago
Hhhhhhh its very good Hhhhhhh its very good
Lévis, Canada
9 days ago
Im just seeing if these songs are 145 or 150 for riddim Im just seeing if these songs are 145 or 150 for riddim
St. Petersburg, United States
10 days ago
Counting the bpm for a beat i'm using :) thank y'all for your service Counting the bpm for a beat i'm using :) thank y'all for your service
Fort Worth, United States
11 days ago
Figure out ghost speed in phasmo Figure out ghost speed in phasmo
Karlstad, Sweden
11 days ago
End of life breathe count End of life breathe count
Detroit, United States
11 days ago
Making a playlist for my friends party and i want to make the bpm journey make sense Making a playlist for my friends party and i want to make the bpm journey make sense
Sydney, Australia
13 days ago
Im a producer and want do producer a track in this speed Im a producer and want do producer a track in this speed
Munich, Germany
14 days ago
Osu! finger control Osu! finger control
Cabanatuan City, Philippines
14 days ago
Simple obsession andru donalds Simple obsession andru donalds
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
14 days ago
Heartbeat because im suspecting tachycardia Heartbeat because im suspecting tachycardia
Liestal, Switzerland
15 days ago
Та юу гэж бодож байгаагаа хуваалцаарай!

Хүмүүс яагаад минутанд цохилтыг тоолж байна вэ?

Сердцебиение Сердцебиение
Tula, Russia
15 days ago
Osu mania chordjack mapper Osu mania chordjack mapper
Lancaster, United States
15 days ago
I count beats for a game I count beats for a game
Wilmington, United States
16 days ago
Finding bpm for songs Finding bpm for songs
Corvallis, United States
16 days ago
Curious what bpm the songs i like have Curious what bpm the songs i like have
Craiova, Romania
16 days ago
I'm new into music making and i'm gonna create my first album with the phonk genre with my own vocals and such I'm new into music making and i'm gonna create my first album with the phonk genre with my own vocals and such
Santa Bárbara, Brazil
16 days ago
Find bpm of a song for running Find bpm of a song for running
Hanover, Germany
16 days ago
I'm a music producer and editor, and i use this to compare bpms to make mashups. thank you so much for this! I'm a music producer and editor, and i use this to compare bpms to make mashups. thank you so much for this!
Mölndal, Sweden
17 days ago
Exercise for elderly 111 Exercise for elderly 111
Bristol, United Kingdom
18 days ago
I play osu! I play osu!
Gebze, Türkiye
18 days ago
Im a ballroom dancer and i would like to regulate the ballroom music to the type of dance Im a ballroom dancer and i would like to regulate the ballroom music to the type of dance
Melbourne, Australia
18 days ago
Bluegrass baby! that sh*t is quick and tight. Bluegrass baby! that sh*t is quick and tight.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
18 days ago
I'm a spinning and aerobic instructor. i use the bpm to create my own playlists and trainings based on the bpm's I'm a spinning and aerobic instructor. i use the bpm to create my own playlists and trainings based on the bpm's
Ghent, Belgium
18 days ago
I am trying to separate two playlists between lifting and cardio I am trying to separate two playlists between lifting and cardio
Washington, United States
19 days ago
I'm a dj and i count beats for my albums I'm a dj and i count beats for my albums
Eastlake, United States
19 days ago
Та юу гэж бодож байгаагаа хуваалцаарай!

Хүмүүс яагаад минутанд цохилтыг тоолж байна вэ?

I'm using it with my vinyl collection to make perfect mixes. 34 years in game I'm using it with my vinyl collection to make perfect mixes. 34 years in game
Sidcup, United Kingdom
20 days ago
Im counting burps per minute Im counting burps per minute
The Hague, Netherlands
20 days ago
Using this to find the bpm of a song for a custom campaign in adofai. Using this to find the bpm of a song for a custom campaign in adofai.
Atlanta, United States
21 days ago
I use this to measure my heart rate. I use this to measure my heart rate.
Kyiv, Ukraine
21 days ago
All the rhythm gamers are sigma, we all try to make custom songs, so i'm one of them too. All the rhythm gamers are sigma, we all try to make custom songs, so i'm one of them too.
Florencio Varela, Argentina
22 days ago
I have too much free time on my hands I have too much free time on my hands
Noida, India
22 days ago
Hola, me parece muy util vuestra app Hola, me parece muy util vuestra app
Vigo, Spain
22 days ago
Curious if i was capable of counting seconds accurately (60 bpm) Curious if i was capable of counting seconds accurately (60 bpm)
Bern, Switzerland
22 days ago
I am a jd and i'm using this to create a playlist of songs with a similar bpm! I am a jd and i'm using this to create a playlist of songs with a similar bpm!
Baltimore, United States
22 days ago
Playlists for social dancing parties! Playlists for social dancing parties!
St Petersburg, Russia
22 days ago
I'm an osu player and i want to see what my speed cap is. I'm an osu player and i want to see what my speed cap is.
23 days ago
The creation of custom maps for rhythm games The creation of custom maps for rhythm games
Halle, Germany
23 days ago
Procrascinating doing ip3 at tu delft Procrascinating doing ip3 at tu delft
24 days ago
Friend said a song i wrote was too fast and linked me a song that was "slower" but the bpms were 70 and 100 (respectively), i just doubletime my hats :-) Friend said a song i wrote was too fast and linked me a song that was "slower" but the bpms were 70 and 100 (respectively), i just doubletime my hats :-)
Winnipeg, Canada
24 days ago
Westcoast swing Westcoast swing
Mutters, Austria
25 days ago
Та юу гэж бодож байгаагаа хуваалцаарай!

Хүмүүс яагаад минутанд цохилтыг тоолж байна вэ?

Counting my heart rate Counting my heart rate
Provo, United States
25 days ago
Had to count the starting 88 from deadmau5/strobe to the 128 Had to count the starting 88 from deadmau5/strobe to the 128
Berlin, Germany
26 days ago
A coworker is coughing repeatedly at a rate of about 2 bpm A coworker is coughing repeatedly at a rate of about 2 bpm
Wuernitz, Austria
26 days ago
Freaky songs Freaky songs
Spanga, Sweden
27 days ago
Finding bpm of a song Finding bpm of a song
Singapore, Singapore
27 days ago
I tap along to songs to see if they are 124bpm or not. this is to know if i can use them to keep in step with people I tap along to songs to see if they are 124bpm or not. this is to know if i can use them to keep in step with people
Leyland, United Kingdom
27 days ago
Heartbeat check! Heartbeat check!
Aachen, Germany
28 days ago
I'm procrastinating god help me I'm procrastinating god help me
Windang, Australia
28 days ago
Life of amsterdam Life of amsterdam
Karlsruhe, Germany
30 days ago
I like designant. (from arcaea) very much,so i got about 200bpm,even got 400bpm! I like designant. (from arcaea) very much,so i got about 200bpm,even got 400bpm!
Nanjing, China
30 days ago
I'm writing a song and i'm tring to find the bpm that i have in my head. I'm writing a song and i'm tring to find the bpm that i have in my head.
Schilde, Belgium
30 days ago
Im sick and i counted 276, maybe yhe correct timing is half of that, but i have a grim feeling that 138bpm is still alarming Im sick and i counted 276, maybe yhe correct timing is half of that, but i have a grim feeling that 138bpm is still alarming
Otopeni, Romania
about 1 month ago
Entre 120 bpm et 135 bpm Entre 120 bpm et 135 bpm
Scientrier, France
about 1 month ago
Helps me find what tempo i want my music to be at. Helps me find what tempo i want my music to be at.
Wauseon, United States
about 1 month ago
Checking out a mysterious ticking noise in a conference room Checking out a mysterious ticking noise in a conference room
Secaucus, United States
about 1 month ago