የሙዚቃዎን ጊዜ በእጅ መቁጠር ይጎትታል። ይህ BPM የመታ ቆጣሪ መሣሪያ በተለይ ለ *ሙዚቀኞች እና ዳንሰኞች ** እንደ iTunes፣ Spotify፣ Pandora፣ ወዘተ ባሉ ፕሮግራሞች ውስጥ tempo ለ mp3 ፋይል id3 መለያዎች ለመለካት ለሚፈልጉ ጠቃሚ ነው።

**የልብ ምት በደቂቃ******የልብ ምት** ወይም **የእረፍት የልብ ምት** ለማስላት በህክምና ሁኔታዎች ውስጥም BPM tapper ውጤታማ ነው። ይህ መተግበሪያ ለልብ ምት መለኪያ በ Tap Heart Rate ላይ የእህት ጣቢያ አለው።

በእነዚህ ታዋቂ ዘፈኖች የሙዚቃ BPMን የማወቅ ችሎታዎን ለመፈተሽ እና ለማሻሻል የ BPM ግምታዊ ጨዋታን ይጫወቱ!

ነፃ ኦንላይን BPM ን መታ ያድርጉ መሳሪያ ማንኛውንም ምት ወይም ምት ቁልፍ በመንካት ጊዜዎን ለማስላት እና ምቶች በደቂቃ (BPM) እንዲቆጥሩ ይፈቅድልዎታል። ሙሉውን ደቂቃ ሳይጠብቁ BPM በፍጥነት ለማስላት ለጥቂት ሰከንዶች መታ ያድርጉ። በአማራጭ ለ ቢት በሴኮንድ (BPS) ወይም ቢት በሰዓት (BPH) ሊያዋቅሩት ይችላሉ። ለ ** አብዮቶች በደቂቃ (RPM)** እና RPS እኩል ይሰራል።

የምትቆጥረውን አጋራ!

ለምን ሰዎች በደቂቃ ምት ይቆጥራሉ

I just did 3869 bpm I just did 3869 bpm
Rome, Italy
2 days ago
Flight of the bumblebee bpm Flight of the bumblebee bpm
Davao City, Philippines
3 days ago
Rhythm game, hardcore edm Rhythm game, hardcore edm
Yongin-si, South Korea
3 days ago
I am dj and music composer: use tap bpm to create playlists and create mashup tracks I am dj and music composer: use tap bpm to create playlists and create mashup tracks
Krasnodar, Russia
3 days ago
Making a song rn Making a song rn
Turku, Finland
3 days ago
My heartbeat after a stressful situation in a game My heartbeat after a stressful situation in a game
Ostrava, Czechia
4 days ago
Restless leg bouncing constant @284 Restless leg bouncing constant @284
Spruce Grove, Canada
5 days ago
I almost 1000 bpm this so best my high score is (998) I almost 1000 bpm this so best my high score is (998)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
6 days ago
Worship songs Worship songs
Iloilo City, Philippines
6 days ago
Mixing my friends track.. he don't know the bpm smh Mixing my friends track.. he don't know the bpm smh
Portland, United States
6 days ago
I'm a dj and im counting my heart rate. I'm a dj and im counting my heart rate.
Jena, Germany
6 days ago
55 bpm hearbeat in an executive meeting : xanax works !!!! 55 bpm hearbeat in an executive meeting : xanax works !!!!
Paris, France
7 days ago
I am a student and doing this for a project I am a student and doing this for a project
Surrey, Canada
7 days ago
для фитнес для фитнес
Krasnodar, Russia
7 days ago
Making a hopecore music lol Making a hopecore music lol
Quezon City, Philippines
8 days ago
የምትቆጥረውን አጋራ!

ለምን ሰዎች በደቂቃ ምት ይቆጥራሉ

I'm trying to find mixes that will work well for my running pace I'm trying to find mixes that will work well for my running pace
United Kingdom
9 days ago
我是一名 swing dance dj 我是一名 swing dance dj
Qingdao, China
9 days ago
I had a riff, but no idea what the bpm was to make the rest of the song with. thanks! I had a riff, but no idea what the bpm was to make the rest of the song with. thanks!
Miamisburg, United States
9 days ago
I'm a songwriter and am finding a good tempo for my music I'm a songwriter and am finding a good tempo for my music
Georgetown, United States
9 days ago
Tapping my heart rate Tapping my heart rate
Taipei, Taiwan
10 days ago
I use this to practice jazz I use this to practice jazz
New Bedford, United States
10 days ago
Gospel music Gospel music
Lancaster, United States
10 days ago
My heartbeat is slowing down. at this rate, it'll be zero by may. My heartbeat is slowing down. at this rate, it'll be zero by may.
Berkeley, United States
11 days ago
Dj, vill veta Dj, vill veta
Gothenburg, Sweden
11 days ago
Dean town dean town dean town dean town Dean town dean town dean town dean town
London, United Kingdom
12 days ago
Checking my heart rate after between pushup sets at home Checking my heart rate after between pushup sets at home
Paris, France
12 days ago
Dance music for choreography Dance music for choreography
Pascoag, United States
12 days ago
I wanna see how fast i can tap my touchpad lol I wanna see how fast i can tap my touchpad lol
Brooklyn, United States
13 days ago
I make gameplay montages synced with video game music and i use this to plan tracks to mix for my videos I make gameplay montages synced with video game music and i use this to plan tracks to mix for my videos
Katowice, Poland
14 days ago
Testing if spotify bpm data is accurate out of hobby Testing if spotify bpm data is accurate out of hobby
Budapest, Hungary
14 days ago
የምትቆጥረውን አጋራ!

ለምን ሰዎች በደቂቃ ምት ይቆጥራሉ

I am a choreography lead for a fire performing group I am a choreography lead for a fire performing group
Denver, United States
15 days ago
Im a lighting designer / light jokey and use this to find the bpm for a timecoded show. great tool btw., very accurate!!! Im a lighting designer / light jokey and use this to find the bpm for a timecoded show. great tool btw., very accurate!!!
Paderborn, Germany
15 days ago
Counting my heartrate to keep track of anxiety and calm myself down Counting my heartrate to keep track of anxiety and calm myself down
Stockholm, Sweden
15 days ago
I like to make my own music, so to translate a song in my head to my computer, i use this to help find the bpm I like to make my own music, so to translate a song in my head to my computer, i use this to help find the bpm
Melbourne, Australia
16 days ago
My heart rate after game called pump it up My heart rate after game called pump it up
16 days ago
I use arccreate in order to make chart files for rhythm games, and i count the bpm in order to make an accurate chart! I use arccreate in order to make chart files for rhythm games, and i count the bpm in order to make an accurate chart!
Dallas, United States
17 days ago
Ich vergleiche für wissenschaftliche zwecke live- und studio-aufnahmen miteinander Ich vergleiche für wissenschaftliche zwecke live- und studio-aufnahmen miteinander
Münster, Germany
17 days ago
Olen uusi käyttäjä ja tutustumassa palveluun ensivaikutelma on varsin hyvä. voisin suositella muillekin aloittelijoille kokeilemaan tapbpm palvelua Olen uusi käyttäjä ja tutustumassa palveluun ensivaikutelma on varsin hyvä. voisin suositella muillekin aloittelijoille kokeilemaan tapbpm palvelua
Tampere, Finland
17 days ago
I’m scared my heart is beating too fast so i’m tapping in time to check it lol I’m scared my heart is beating too fast so i’m tapping in time to check it lol
Ambler, United States
18 days ago
Bajista-ska Bajista-ska
Rubí, Spain
18 days ago
I had an anxiety attack and i wanted to see how fast my heart was beating after the fact I had an anxiety attack and i wanted to see how fast my heart was beating after the fact
Thames Ditton, United Kingdom
18 days ago
I have been anxious lately and chatgpt told me to check my heartbeat regularly so i can see if it's better I have been anxious lately and chatgpt told me to check my heartbeat regularly so i can see if it's better
Tijuana, Mexico
18 days ago
Ukf drumm and bass 2024 mix 😁 Ukf drumm and bass 2024 mix 😁
18 days ago
Close to the edge - yes Close to the edge - yes
Le Mans, France
19 days ago
None of my loops are an even 2 or 4 bars. i literally have no idea what the bpm is until i use this. None of my loops are an even 2 or 4 bars. i literally have no idea what the bpm is until i use this.
Lincoln, United States
19 days ago
የምትቆጥረውን አጋራ!

ለምን ሰዎች በደቂቃ ምት ይቆጥራሉ

Find out bpm of music Find out bpm of music
Munich, Germany
19 days ago
Infinite bpm Infinite bpm
Perth, Australia
20 days ago
Hhhhhhh its very good Hhhhhhh its very good
Lévis, Canada
20 days ago
Im just seeing if these songs are 145 or 150 for riddim Im just seeing if these songs are 145 or 150 for riddim
St. Petersburg, United States
21 days ago
Counting the bpm for a beat i'm using :) thank y'all for your service Counting the bpm for a beat i'm using :) thank y'all for your service
Fort Worth, United States
22 days ago
Figure out ghost speed in phasmo Figure out ghost speed in phasmo
Karlstad, Sweden
22 days ago
End of life breathe count End of life breathe count
Detroit, United States
22 days ago
Making a playlist for my friends party and i want to make the bpm journey make sense Making a playlist for my friends party and i want to make the bpm journey make sense
Sydney, Australia
24 days ago
Im a producer and want do producer a track in this speed Im a producer and want do producer a track in this speed
Munich, Germany
24 days ago
Osu! finger control Osu! finger control
Cabanatuan City, Philippines
25 days ago
Simple obsession andru donalds Simple obsession andru donalds
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
25 days ago
Heartbeat because im suspecting tachycardia Heartbeat because im suspecting tachycardia
Liestal, Switzerland
25 days ago
Сердцебиение Сердцебиение
Tula, Russia
25 days ago
Osu mania chordjack mapper Osu mania chordjack mapper
Lancaster, United States
26 days ago
I count beats for a game I count beats for a game
Wilmington, United States
26 days ago
የምትቆጥረውን አጋራ!

ለምን ሰዎች በደቂቃ ምት ይቆጥራሉ

Finding bpm for songs Finding bpm for songs
Corvallis, United States
27 days ago
Curious what bpm the songs i like have Curious what bpm the songs i like have
Craiova, Romania
27 days ago
I'm new into music making and i'm gonna create my first album with the phonk genre with my own vocals and such I'm new into music making and i'm gonna create my first album with the phonk genre with my own vocals and such
Santa Bárbara, Brazil
27 days ago
Find bpm of a song for running Find bpm of a song for running
Hanover, Germany
27 days ago
I'm a music producer and editor, and i use this to compare bpms to make mashups. thank you so much for this! I'm a music producer and editor, and i use this to compare bpms to make mashups. thank you so much for this!
Mölndal, Sweden
28 days ago
Exercise for elderly 111 Exercise for elderly 111
Bristol, United Kingdom
28 days ago
I play osu! I play osu!
Gebze, Türkiye
28 days ago
Im a ballroom dancer and i would like to regulate the ballroom music to the type of dance Im a ballroom dancer and i would like to regulate the ballroom music to the type of dance
Melbourne, Australia
29 days ago
Bluegrass baby! that sh*t is quick and tight. Bluegrass baby! that sh*t is quick and tight.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
29 days ago
I'm a spinning and aerobic instructor. i use the bpm to create my own playlists and trainings based on the bpm's I'm a spinning and aerobic instructor. i use the bpm to create my own playlists and trainings based on the bpm's
Ghent, Belgium
29 days ago
I am trying to separate two playlists between lifting and cardio I am trying to separate two playlists between lifting and cardio
Washington, United States
29 days ago
I'm a dj and i count beats for my albums I'm a dj and i count beats for my albums
Eastlake, United States
about 1 month ago
I'm using it with my vinyl collection to make perfect mixes. 34 years in game I'm using it with my vinyl collection to make perfect mixes. 34 years in game
Sidcup, United Kingdom
about 1 month ago
Im counting burps per minute Im counting burps per minute
The Hague, Netherlands
about 1 month ago
Using this to find the bpm of a song for a custom campaign in adofai. Using this to find the bpm of a song for a custom campaign in adofai.
Atlanta, United States
about 1 month ago